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便捷:无需手动加样、无需频繁手动装载试剂/耗材,真正的全自动POCT 占桌宽度仅0.5米; 20个样本位直接上样无需等待; 50-100人份试剂, 8个冷藏试剂位。
Product introduction
Item MC-70A STAND TYPE Features
Manometer Square Shaped Dial, 145×145mm - Metal Castors, 5-wheel with brake
- Gradient adjustable for easy reading
- 360° swivel for easy reading
- Adjustable height, from 85cm to 125cm
- With metal basket for cuff and bulb
Cuff Cotton Cuff with D-ring
Connector Plastic Connector
Bladder 2-tube Adult Latex Bladder
Bulb Standard Latex Bulb
Air-release Valve Air-release Valve with Spring
End Valve Standard End Valve
Spiral Tube PVC, 1.8m
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